Our Ongoing Relationship

We use all of the tools created earlier with you to make sure we’re on track with your goals and, as your life changes, we check in to see if those goals have changed.

Our Ongoing Relationship

We use all of the tools created earlier with you to make sure we’re on track with your goals and, as your life changes, we check in to see if those goals have changed.

our ongoing


At this point in our relationship, we’re on our way to helping you achieve what’s important to you. Now, we monitor your customized plan regularly based on the schedule that we developed together. We use all of the tools created earlier with you to make sure we’re on track with your goals and, as your life changes, we check in to see if those goals have changed.

What’s more, we view ourselves as your financial partner acting as the quarterback of your financial team. We work closely with your other trusted advisors, such as your accountant and attorney, to make sure we’re all doing the best things for your situation. In addition to your advisors, we have our own Professional Network – a team of carefully selected professionals, each with a high level of knowledge and skill in key financial areas that help us evaluate all aspects of your financial situation and devise appropriate solutions.


In addition to our financial discussions, we also invite you to join us at various events we develop just for clients. It’s important that we help keep you apprised of current events and information related to the work we do for you, as well as having some fun as we go through life together. Whether in our office, at your home or an event – know that we’re here for you at every step on your journey.



the head

After our discovery meeting, we’ll present you with your Total Client Profile based on personal conversations and practical solutions.

the heart

See how our thoughtful approach helps us understand clients and do what’s

right for each of them.

With longtime client relationships spanning several decades, The Pastor Financial Group has proved able to help beyond investing money – but rather to help you use your money to enjoy your life. Since 1989, our lead advisor, Renée Pastor, has concentrated on providing quality financial and investment advice to individuals who have reasonable long-term goals and who share the team’s philosophy toward the financial markets.

The Pastor Financial Group BBB Business Review

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